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// | PHP version 5 |
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class LCS {
 var $str1;
 var $str2;
 var $c = array();
 function getLCS($str1, $str2, $len1 = 0, $len2 = 0) {
 $this->str1 = $str1;
 $this->str2 = $str2;
 if ($len1 == 0) $len1 = strlen($str1);
 if ($len2 == 0) $len2 = strlen($str2);
 $this->initC($len1, $len2);
 return $this->printLCS($this->c, $len1 - 1, $len2 - 1);
 function getSimilar($str1, $str2) {
 $len1 = strlen($str1);
 $len2 = strlen($str2);
 $len = strlen($this->getLCS($str1, $str2, $len1, $len2));
 return $len * 2 / ($len1 + $len2);
 function initC($len1, $len2) {
 for ($i = 0; $i < $len1; $i++) $this->c[$i][0] = 0;
 for ($j = 0; $j < $len2; $j++) $this->c[0][$j] = 0;
 for ($i = 1; $i < $len1; $i++) {
 for ($j = 1; $j < $len2; $j++) {
 if ($this->str1[$i] == $this->str2[$j]) {
 $this->c[$i][$j] = $this->c[$i - 1][$j - 1] + 1;
 } elseif ($this->c[$i - 1][$j] >= $this->c[$i][$j - 1]) {
 $this->c[$i][$j] = $this->c[$i - 1][$j];
 } else {
 $this->c[$i][$j] = $this->c[$i][$j - 1];
 function printLCS($c, $i, $j) {
 if ($i == 0 || $j == 0) {
 if ($this->str1[$i] == $this->str2[$j]) return $this->str2[$j];
 else return "";
 if ($this->str1[$i] == $this->str2[$j]) {
 return $this->printLCS($this->c, $i - 1, $j - 1).$this->str2[$j];
 } elseif ($this->c[$i - 1][$j] >= $this->c[$i][$j - 1]) {
 return $this->printLCS($this->c, $i - 1, $j);
 } else {
 return $this->printLCS($this->c, $i, $j - 1);
$lcs = new LCS();
$lcs->getLCS("hello word", "hello china");
echo $lcs->getSimilar("新日程(上)", "新日程(下)");
Last modification:April 11th, 2020 at 09:18 pm